Information provided pursuant to articles 13-14 of the GDPR 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation)

With reference to the information on the processing of personal pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003, as well as the Regulation EU 679/2016 ("Information"), MichelAngelo Srls (jointly our company","us","we"), describes the ways in which personal data of the customer collected through ("Website", "Site") are processed. For this reason, we invite the kind customer to the
careful reading of this page.

Company's data

MichelAngelo Srls,
based in via Lorenzo Perosi n ° 28, Andorno Micca (Biella), 13811
P.IVA: 02644320026 C.F .: 02644320026
REA number 202064
Member of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Handicraft and Agriculture of BIELLAAND VERCELLI.

It is the company responsible for the processing of personal data provided by customers, which is committed to protecting their privacy, in compliance with current regulations.

The data we collect about the customer

We inform you that the personal data you are requested for, are comprehended in the following categories, and are collected for the only purpose of offering the customer the services required.

  1. Information regarding the data of customer, such as date of birth, place of birth, postal address, e-mail, name surname, are voluntarily provided for the purpose of purchasing the goods present in this Site. 
  2. Information relating to malfunctions of the system, problems or observations on the site, contained in the communications received from the customer.
  3. Any survey for market purposes, including information required in the event of a complaint. 
  4. Information on credit cards, accounts or information released through the chosen payment service, or information regarding transactions made by the customer. 
  5. Information about the operating system, use and navigation of the customer on our Site, IP address of the customer and other device identifiers, browsers and information concerning the pages of the Website visited.
  6. Cookies: personal data that are used both to consent to the correct functioning of the site, and for marketing purposes. We invite customers to investigate this issue in the specific page
  7. Information about purchases made by the customer, for purposes of market analysis, in order to consider the tastes of its customers and make their products more palatable. These studies will not take place either in an intrusive or public manner. 
  8. Analyze the preferences of our customers through the interactions with the site with the collection of data that the customer shares on social networks, or accessible from public databases, prior express consent of the customer.

We would like to clarify, that the customer has no one obligation to release the aforementioned information, as per the above regulations mentioned. The information that is requested, serves exclusively to allow the correct progress of the customer's order of our products.
This refusal therefore leads to the impossibility of processing such an order and it can also legitimize the impossibility to offer the services present on our site, or to fulfill the obligations required by legislative provisions or regulations.
All services that do not require the use of information, contractual obligations or the fulfillment of legal obligations, do not preclude the normal use of the Website.

Methods of treatment and security

Personal data are collected by paper means and purely through IT tools, therefore by the nature of such means, our site provides you with all possible precautions to avoid risks of loss, unauthorized access, or non-treatment
consented to customer data. 

Nor can these risks be excluded, due to the nature of the medium used, which is why customers have to periodically check their protection devices (antivirus updated) and to verify that your internet service provider has
adopted the correct protection measures, such as antispam and filters - firewall.

The data requested for the purpose of obtaining a service or for providing qualitative or informative feedback following the requests of customers, will be kept for the duration necessary for such fulfillments. 

The data collected for the purpose of profiling, will be kept for a limited period of time, to allow the relative correct analysis in compliance with privacy. 

The duration of data retention for tax purposes will have applicable limits established by law, so as to keep the evidence necessary with regard to any disputes or claims. 

Communication of personal data

We can communicate the personal data of our customers only in order to consent the assistance services or other services that are necessary and within the limits of the law. The data will be processed and known by:

  • The owners of the MichelAngelo company Srls, for the purpose of market analysis and collection for tax reasons, always in compliance with the terms of the law. 
  • Companies that perform technical services, as payment methods. 
  • To other bodies such as police forces or to demonstrate or investigate illegal activities, or to defend themselves from accusations or complaints from third parties. 
The company MichelAngelo Srls, relies on third-party companies to take advantage of services aimed at the sale act, such as transport. 
To have any information regarding those responsible for such a service see their website.

Customer rights

Customers can exercise the right of withdrawal, correction, cancellation or modification of any personal data stored, or to obtain a copy of it, by making a request on the page "insert reference page ”; the customer can also obtain information about it.
The origin of the data, the form of derivation regarding electronic instruments, identification details of the data controller and data processors.
The user also has the right to oblivion, to make a complaint to the authority of control and to revoke the consent previously given. We are bound and interrupt any treatment, in the event of manifestation by the
customer, except for tax or legal reasons. 

Interaction with social networks

They are installed on the site widgets or plugins that allow to interact with social networks or other platforms. This information is acquired from this Site are subject to the privacy settings of related platforms. Specifically, please refer to the privacy conditions related services:

Fcebook "like" buttons:

For more information on rights to privacy, we invite our customers to visit the website of the Guarantor of
privacy at

Informativa resa ai ​sensi degli articoli 13-14 del GDPR 2016/679​ ​(General Data Protection Regulation)

In riferimento all’Informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi degli art. 13 del D.lgs. n. 196/2003, nonché del Regolamento UE 679/2016 (“Informativa”), MichelAngelo Srls (congiuntamente “La nostra ditta”, “noi”, “ci”), descrive le modalità con le quali tratta i dati personali del cliente raccolti tramite (“Sito Internet”, “Sito”).